Lisa sees YOU as a whole person, just like the moon that goes through phases of light and darkness, it is never lost, it is always complete and whole.
At times in our lives, we may feel we are fading away, we may lose a sense of who we are, or what our purpose in life is. We can become disassociated to life around us, feeling lost or alone in our darkness. The light is still there but when the darkness comes, it can overshadow the light. Often this is a signal to us that we are not acknowledging or accepting certain parts of ourselves.
Through Spiritual healing sessions, Lisa draws upon counselling and coaching skills, EFT, mindfulness and well as her intuition and connection to Source energy to help you to challenge these parts of yourself that keep you stuck and unable to move forwards, towards your desired future.
Inviting in self-awareness, Lisa can help you to understand how your inner world is creating your outer reality and allow you to make informed choices about your life.
What is your inner world? It’s like a special lens in which we see the world through. Everyone’s lens is made up of their own unique life experiences, the stories we tell ourselves, personal values and our belief systems.
Spiritual Healing sessions are 6o minutes and can be tailored to suit your spiritual needs.
Below is a overview of some of the work Lisa can add into your spiritual healing session. Please specify at point of booking if you have a specific interest.
Shadow integration work allows you to identify and work through those rejected parts of self that have been hidden in the shadows. The parts of self that we judge or perceive as being wrong or undesirable. Lisa can help you shed light on these parts of self and work through, challenge and alchemies them to bring about self-awareness, acceptance and compassion.
Lisa can help you to reconnect to the wounded parts of self. We all have an inner child that has unmet needs that wants to be seen and acknowledged within us. The part of us that is playful, curious and full of joy. Lisa can help you to reconnect to these parts of you, allowing you to re-parent yourself and identify and meet your own needs.
Allows you to let go of the energic ties that bind you to situations, people and places that are no longer serving you. When we choose to let go, we can create space to allow infinite possibilities to emerge. This spiritual practice is carried out alongside a forgiveness ritual and is great way to help you reclaim your personal power.
Lisa works with the Universal Law of Attraction and has an understanding that everything that exists has an energetic vibrational frequency and that 'like attracts like'. Just like a giant magnet, we attract to us the same energetic frequency that we are putting out into the universe.
Lisa can help you to challenge your self-talk and help shift your vibrational frequency to allow you to attract into your life all that you desire and help banish the limiting beliefs that prevent you from receiving all that is meant for you.
Lisa can help you deepen your connection to your own intuition and access higher states of consciousness through shamanic journeying, visualisation and guided imagery, allowing you to make that deeper connection to source energy, your own guides, power animals and helping spirits. Lisa will gently mentor you through your spiritual awakening to allow you to fully trust in the process and flow of life.
All sessions are 60 minutes. At point of booking, please specify if you would like Lisa to focus on any specific areas.