Why me? Why do I feel so overwhelmed by life while others just seem to keep going and coping with whatever life throws at them? Why can’t I be more like…………….
Comparing yourself to others!
Feeling that you are never good enough!
Feeling overwhelmed with life?
Experiencing cycles of burnt out?
Feeling responsible for making others happy?
Saying YES to others when you really want to say No (people pleaser)?
Wanting others approval and validation?
Have you felt lost and not really sure where your life is heading?
Can you relate to any of these questions? ...If so, do you ever ask yourself why?
I was forced to do just that when I reached an all-time low that lead to me having 8 weeks off work. I had physical symptoms of stress and suffered with severe anxiety leading to not even stepping foot outside my home. How did I get here? Who am I? The questions just kept coming.
I was always going 100 miles an hour and putting my all into everything I did. I was often told by friends and family… "Lisa you take on too much!" "Lisa you will make yourself ill!" ...but I just didn’t know how else to be.
I would always be that person who said YES and who didn’t like to disappoint or upset others. I guess you could say I was a gold star people pleaser but I just didn’t know how else to be.
I loved to make others happy… if someone was upset...I took it personally... what did I do to cause this? How can I make them happy? If others had a problem, I would be the one to offer a solution to help fix things. I felt I was responsible for other people’s happiness and made it my mission in life.
Have you ever felt like this?
I made the decision to say YES to a new way of being. Through acts of courage I stepped out of my comfort zone and found myself seeking new knowledge and wisdom through teachers and mentors. With their support and guidance I began to value myself and could now see how my inner world was creating my outer reality.
In simple terms it is what makes up your mind. It’s like a special lens in which we see the world through. Everyone’s lens is made up of their own unique life experiences, personal values and belief systems.
Starting to understand why I felt and experienced things differently to others helped me to make changes and start to challenge the parts of myself that were not serving me. I found myself feeling empowered and for the first time in my life I started to know who Lisa really was beneath all the masks I wore. I now had choices.
I could choose to react to life in the same way, repeating the same habitual patterns which lead to burn out and illness or I could choose to respond to life differently, listening to my inner wisdom and making informed choices about how I want to live. As I chose to do the latter, the magic really did start to happen.
What my own journey has shown me is that the key to my happiness is ME. I had the answers all along. I just needed to learn how to ask the right questions.
You are the expert in your own life and you have within you your own answers to your WHY?
Are you ready to say YES and see the magic happen? It all starts from within. If you want to find out how I can help you unlock your own potential to happiness and make magic happen, book a free 15 minutes discovery call with me today.